Nimbus Mono is a monospaced typeface created by URW Studio in 1984, and eventually released under the GPL and AFPL (as Type 1 font for Ghostscript) in 1996 and LPPL in 2009. It features Normal, Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic weights, and is one of several freely licensed fonts offered by URW++. Although the characters are not exactly the same, Nimbus Mono has metrics that are very similar to Courier and Courier New.
Nhà thiết kế: (URW)++
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Việt hóa: STYLEno.1 Fonts
Font miễn phí cho mọi mục đích sử dụng.
Bản Việt hóa cung cấp cho mọi mục đích sử dụng dưới hình thức trả phí.