HomeTổng hợpSans-serif[Việt hóa] SVN-Brice (18 fonts)

[Việt hóa] SVN-Brice (18 fonts)

Brice refers to cultural products of the 80s such as music, art, literature, fashion, dance, film, that are consumed by the majority of society population. The Characteristic of Brice are in the small bouncy serif with a dynamic contrast, like R, B, S, K, P, etc. Perfect for Logotype, Caption, & Header. Brice are available in 5 Widths (Condensed – SemiCondensed – Normal – SemiExpanded – Expanded) with matches 6 weights (ExtraLight – Light – Normal – SemiBold – Bold – Black) and support for 75+ language.

Nhà thiết kế: Cahya Sofyan
Nhà phát hành: Studio Sun
Việt hóa: STYLEno.1 Fonts

Mua bản gốc trước khi sử dụng từ Myfonts
Bản Việt hóa cung cấp cho mục đích sử dụng cá nhân dưới hình thức trả phí.


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