HomeTổng hợpSans-serif[Việt hóa] SVN-Gothiks (6 fonts)

[Việt hóa] SVN-Gothiks (6 fonts)

Gothiks is a powerfull 6-weight display sanserif influenced by Texturas. The rithm and verticality of Texturas can be easily identified on the letters with diagonal strokes like A N M K k V v W w X x Y y Z z: here they are all vertical. This kind of morphology was chosen because it accepts condensation in a very natural way, giving to this compact sanserif a very unique personality. The intermediate weights can be used for short texts while extreme weights are excellent for big sizes. It has an extensive character set — with extensive language support — and many OpenType features like fractions, small capitals and different figure sets. Default figures align with lowercase.

Nhà thiết kế: Daniel Sabino
Nhà phát hành: Blackletra
Việt hóa: STYLEno.1 Fonts

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